If memory serves all it took was a nervous descent of the Col du Soulor in a heavy thunderstorm to completely remove the Exalith coating from a set of Mavic rims a few years back.
This is nuts by the way. DT have pretty much said 'this surface is harder wearing than Exalith' without directly saying it, so hopefully that's true.
Have had both the Mavic Exaliths and the DT Swiss. The Mavics provide slightly better braking I think but the surface colour does wear off, I found it to be quite gradual though and that was through use in all seasons. I haven't had the DT Swiss as long but haven't noticed any degradation in the colour at all.
Apparently it holds up well. I’ll believe it when I see it.
If memory serves all it took was a nervous descent of the Col du Soulor in a heavy thunderstorm to completely remove the Exalith coating from a set of Mavic rims a few years back. The road was basically a river though, so I guess there’s not much that would have held up to that!