Aug 2018 a distracted driver hit me going 35 km/h. Fork was pretty useless now, all the rest seemed to survive. New fork and headset and it was ready to go. LBS put in a fork that wasn't really matching the entire bike and after all those years the paint wasn't really ok anymore. Soooo, I saw a weight weenies thread of someone taking a razor to his bike and spraypainting it himself. As I'm a cheap bastard, I didn't want to invest in painting it professionally so I thought I'd give it a go.
Ordered some, took some razor blades to the carbon aaaand the bike was 'as new'. Especially with me not riding it and still ordering a new handlebar, saddle, ...
Didn't take a lot of pictures and wouldn't recommend the process to anyone. I'm also not the most patient of people so could have done the painting better.
The bike still didn't see a lot of riding as I bought a gravelie hype bike for commuting (fatter tyres + disc brakes).
Into lockdown and I really wanted the bike to be tubeless and also wasn't to keen on going back to 25mm. So I gave it a go and converted the old zonda's to ghetto tubeless. Skinwall as I'm always a few years late to the party. still 25mm as frame or fork doesn't clear 28mm but hey. The frankenbike is back on the road and putting a smile on my face.
Aug 2018 a distracted driver hit me going 35 km/h. Fork was pretty useless now, all the rest seemed to survive. New fork and headset and it was ready to go. LBS put in a fork that wasn't really matching the entire bike and after all those years the paint wasn't really ok anymore. Soooo, I saw a weight weenies thread of someone taking a razor to his bike and spraypainting it himself. As I'm a cheap bastard, I didn't want to invest in painting it professionally so I thought I'd give it a go.
Ordered some, took some razor blades to the carbon aaaand the bike was 'as new'. Especially with me not riding it and still ordering a new handlebar, saddle, ...
Didn't take a lot of pictures and wouldn't recommend the process to anyone. I'm also not the most patient of people so could have done the painting better.
The bike still didn't see a lot of riding as I bought a gravelie hype bike for commuting (fatter tyres + disc brakes).
Into lockdown and I really wanted the bike to be tubeless and also wasn't to keen on going back to 25mm. So I gave it a go and converted the old zonda's to ghetto tubeless. Skinwall as I'm always a few years late to the party. still 25mm as frame or fork doesn't clear 28mm but hey. The frankenbike is back on the road and putting a smile on my face.
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