I'm guessing with the lack of chat everyone's viewing was as lacklustre as mine?
Where I live is quite prone to sudden cloud/fog cover which appeared just in time for the main window (around 22:30) and shifted around a bit until 22:45. Managed to spot a few of them, but none in close proximity to each other and most that I did see were quite faint. Quite interesting how many non-Starlink satellites are visible too. Had a pair of crossover sightings with Starlinks going West-East and other satellites crossing paths North-South.
Looking forward to when it's a bit warmer after dark and can just relax in the garden and watch the stars!
I'm guessing with the lack of chat everyone's viewing was as lacklustre as mine?
Where I live is quite prone to sudden cloud/fog cover which appeared just in time for the main window (around 22:30) and shifted around a bit until 22:45. Managed to spot a few of them, but none in close proximity to each other and most that I did see were quite faint. Quite interesting how many non-Starlink satellites are visible too. Had a pair of crossover sightings with Starlinks going West-East and other satellites crossing paths North-South.
Looking forward to when it's a bit warmer after dark and can just relax in the garden and watch the stars!