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  • I mean, case transplants can be a pain in the arse but its not as if we don't have the time for tasks like this now days!

    Its all down to how much money you want to spend tbh. Decent quiet fans are not cheap. If you need a new CPU cooler and a couple of case fans, that can be £70 to £100. A new case, a quiet one, will be more than that.

    I'm not the most experienced in building PCs but I would have thought that it's better to eliminate the noise in the first place rather than try to supress it by wrapping it in a new case. Ideally, you'd want to do both.

  • Yeah I’ve definitely got time!

    That’s a fair point - if I can get a quiet case with a couple of fans though, I think that covers a lot of ground. Are CPU cooler changes still as messy as they used to be?

  • As the others said it depends a lot on your case design, you can look at Noctua fans like was discussed a littler earlier in this thread, they are quiter than most others. Also check if there's any rattle of the fans against the case, you can unplug them from the mobo and see how loud it is while running without any, apart from the inbuilt ones in the PSU and the one on the CPU, obv don't run it for long with no fans. Also if you're not already then change the fan screws for rubber ones:

    You could also try and install a fan controller to keep them running slower but you'll probably also want something like Speccy to check on internal temperatures too.
