• I'm sure I'm late to the party with this film...but it brought back so many great memories for me.
    There are both upsides and downsides to anything 'new' suddenly blowing up into something mainstream. Having been a 'mountain biker' since pretty much day one in the UK I have seen it go from something only a few people knew about, to pretty much the biggest cycling 'market' in the world. In many ways it's a good thing, because the bikes are infinitely 'better' than they were back then...but as someone who has gone through practically every new invention to ever appear in the off road world, I realised a long time ago that the more 'comfortable' and the 'easier' the technology made it to ride off road, the less I started to enjoy myself. I think I reached a place where that original feeling of struggling over and through terrain, and being bounced around all over the place was what I was missing from the early days. It began to lose its 'innocence' for me...which is probably why I haven't used suspension in over 20 years for anything except a few years of pure downhill, and have ridden fully rigid and single-speed off road for pretty much the whole of the last 2 decades.
    Whatever type of 'mountain bike' you ride these days, hopefully this film will bring back some great memories for you too...and if you're not an old fucker like me, maybe it will show you where it all started. Enjoy! 😍

