his account is still active on Twitter - https://twitter.com/HambiniENG
and still tweeting shite...
his account is still active on Twitter
I was relying on @ric_a5 's report of hambini's own YouTube post, since I couldn't be arsed to check either hambini's twitter or his youtube for myself, and then reading between the lines; in 99% of cases where a cunt says "I'm leaving twitter", the truth is that they have been kicked off. In this case, it seems that it really was a voluntary withdrawal which I assume lasted all of 5 minutes until, like all narcissists, he couldn't resist looking to see what people were saying about him.
It's not a great reason, but it's a good one. A basic rule of business is that any action should have a cost:benefit<1, and instructing solicitors to commence a defamation action against hambini is unlikely to meet that test.
I'm just talking about the question of defamation, which is expensive to prosecute and uncertain in outcome. There might be other avenues to reduce hambini's ability to get his message out which do stand up to cost:benefit analysis. Apparently Twitter already think they're better off without him, maybe YouTube will too if his descent into madness continues and enough people file reports of possible ToS violations.