Personal details I agree, but company details is a bit of a grey area. If you bought off his website you would think the company you were buying from is called Hambini, but there is no such registered company. Maybe he includes all the company details on his invoice. It might not be unethical, but it is unusual to go to such lengths to make the company details difficult to find or access.
If you bought off his website you would think the company you were buying from is called Hambini, but there is no such registered company
If you buy off my website, you won't find anything at companies house under my trading style because, as @danstuff rightly notes, sole traders don't register as corporations.
I mean, there’s literally nothing wrong with trying to protect your personal details, nor is doing so a reason for suspicion.
However I do think that publicly being such a twunt could end up having adverse effects on his professional career.