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I had my original gait assessment done by someone watching me run up and down the road outside the running shop (Up and Running in East Sheen). The treadmill was already in use by another customer and the person I saw said "I just need to see you running, put these on and do some 20 yard repeats back and forth at fast jogging pace". They could tell all they needed to tell from that.
It really does depend on how your ankle rolls during the stride. The "wet foot test" may not tell you this.
Drawing vertical/horizontal lines on the back of the Achilles and then getting yourself videod running (ideally on a treadmill but that's a bit tricky nowadays) in trainers without socks (so you can still see the lines you've drawn) will show you a lot more.
If you google for some videos of examples of pronation/supination you can find some really excessive examples that would need specific shoes. Most people will be within the range that "neutral" shoes would come fine with.