They absolutely do have a difficult job, but let’s not pretend that situation was by any measure difficult. Someone videoing on their phone does not automatically equate to dicking about because we’re in the midst of a pandemic. That person happens to be a journalist and they were standing alone and well within a safe distance of the incident. They are within their rights to video so there really is no need for a handful of police officers to get out of their vehicle, crowd round and start yelling in that persons face, ironically about saving lives, as they break all semblance of social distancing.
They absolutely do have a difficult job, but let’s not pretend that situation was by any measure difficult. Someone videoing on their phone does not automatically equate to dicking about
My daughter is 9 months in to policing, the thing that has surprised her most is the continual videoing of her actions whatever they may be. Even sat in the car having a break or popping in to Greggs for a sandwich.
When stuff gets gets in to the public domain like that shown by Bastini, it sort of pleases me that it is still a rare thing, or we would be just continually bombarded by it.
It doesn't.
However, whatever your position might be on the Police, they have an important and difficult job to do stopping idiots doing idiot things during the current crisis.
In that context, someone being a dick with a mobile needs to be fucked-off, sharpish. Were it not for the current circumstances, I'd be all for being a bit more tolerant.