Was just on my way to post this-glad it's not flown under the offensive bun-radar of the forum.
I take it that's a shot of some hot swastika buns he baked? Or just someone else's photograph that he forwarded?
While it's true that the Nazi Hakenkreuz was a clockwise swastika, both clockwise and anti-clockwise swastikas are used in various cultures, and the orientation issue is therefore irrelevant as a criterion of distinction (it's more relevant in what cultural continuity the symbol is used; hence lots of innocent usage in places where it has a more noble tradition, and highly ignoble usage in Europe):
I think it can safely be assumed, quite possibly reinforced by unwitting revelations elsewhere in the picture of certain deep-seated problems, that the poster may be given to fantasies of violence, and that the 'playful' depiction of the symbol may be related to this somehow.
Is he also a Mayor of something or other, or what is the ceremonial chain about?
guess which party...