• I'd just do it by eye. You might see something is obviously loose or feels loose.

    Also, if it wasnt doing it before repair, and is now. Then it's something to do with the repair (simplest answer) so check that. The amp is grounded inside, so take the case off (with power unplugged) and check in there too.

    If non of those fix it, then needs more investigation.

  • Further to this issue, I don't think it's actually the stereo itself, unless it's extra sensitive because the pops always happen in relation to other things happening in the house, like when then the furnace or drain pump or fridge start/stop. So basically I think our house is wired badly, or improperly grounded. To be clear, it didn't start after the repair, it just seemed to happen with more regularity and volume. We also switched receivers, with the HK now upstairs and the NAD down in the vault.

  • Things like motors in hoovers should be suppressed but often they do seem to dump a bit bit of noise on the mains. I have a record vacuum cleaner that does it. If I'm recording I have to make sure not to use it. I might get round to making a suppressor for it if the lockdown goes on for another month.

  • To me, sounds like an amplifier fault. You want the power supply in your amp to deal with this.

    I once bought a DIY valve amp from someone, massive two box thing. Every time the fridge thermostat ticked over, you heard it out of the speakers. I bought a Meridian amp and this problem simply didn't exist (in the same house, with the same wiring and fridge).

    To be on the safe side, when I had this place rewired I had a separate circuit put in for the hifi.
