Levain build:
20g Dark Rye mother
111g Dark Rye
222g Water
116g Water
25g Malt
20g Treacle
8g Salt
340g Levain Build
300g Light Rye
Build the levain 8hrs prior to the mix.
Mix the water, malt and treacle until its well dispersed.
Add the lev build, flour and salt and mix until its formed a complete mass.
Leave to bulk for an hour at room temp
Shape into a tin
Take out fridge and leave to proof
bake at 240 until core is 95 degs
Levain build:
20g Dark Rye mother
111g Dark Rye
222g Water
116g Water
25g Malt
20g Treacle
8g Salt
340g Levain Build
300g Light Rye
Build the levain 8hrs prior to the mix.
Mix the water, malt and treacle until its well dispersed.
Add the lev build, flour and salt and mix until its formed a complete mass.
Leave to bulk for an hour at room temp
Shape into a tin
Take out fridge and leave to proof
bake at 240 until core is 95 degs
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