I'm finding that it has some issues with handoff across the house. I have 4 nodes across three floors. Coverage in is excellent - no dead spots - but i have a host of other issues:
Strength seems weak even on the same floor. I'm 12 meters and one room (and a hallway) away from the main access point and i'm getting 70Mbps. The main router is testing at 360Mbps
Handoff sucks. There's a particular spot in the kitchen where it seems to get confused between two nodes and keeps switching causing minor drops or slowdowns
Sonos has an issue connecting and paired systems in the house often have the right hand of stereo pair drop or never play at all
iOS devices seem to have some compatibility issues which are widely reported on support forums. Sometimes they just drop for no reason. Wifi disappears and it jumps to 4G then back to wifi in 3 or 4 seconds. This is particularly prevalent when using facetime
Management of the system, general stability (it's never dropped as a network in two years) and cost of setting it up were all great but i'm wondering if there's a better solution.
Not helpful for your questions but I'm seeing you say 70mbps is slow and I'm burning with envy... I have BT and we struggle to get 10mbps from the router. It's bullshit
Anyone else have Google Wifi mesh setup?
I'm finding that it has some issues with handoff across the house. I have 4 nodes across three floors. Coverage in is excellent - no dead spots - but i have a host of other issues:
Management of the system, general stability (it's never dropped as a network in two years) and cost of setting it up were all great but i'm wondering if there's a better solution.
Anyone got any wifi 6 mesh system set up yet?