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  • Did an 18km walk yesterday - I know it’s not running but it was a trail route I’d been thinking of doing and as a rest day activity seemed like a good idea. Saw very few people and easy to distance so great but the ground is very rutted and feels like a rolled ankle waiting to happen. What’s the advice for this type of running?

  • Not exactly sure what you are asking - is an 18km walk good for a rest day? I would say that sounds pretty hefty..

  • I have done a fair amount of Box Hill running in all sorts of conditions, and it just felt sort of natural, if my ankle started to roll I could tell and shift my weight and leap up off the foot.

    Hard to explain, but the only times I have rolled an ankle have been running home from the pub in the before running days, and a few weeks back when distracted 100m after leaving my house.

    I did 70,000 ft of elevation over Box Hill one year and didn't get injured. Pavements are much more dangerous


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