Well. Previously it was my phone and the cadence sensor from Cycelops. But then I got donated a wheel (thanks donor) and while my 800w and solo tt for the win have been restricted, I think the measurement is more accurate. I use the family mac, but I don't like having a laptop outside.
end caps are 6-8 weeks from sigma sports - allowing me to work on the ipad with a handlebar mount (other btle bridge would be acceptable I sppose)
or advice on how to get my android phone playing nice again and gathering the data via a dongle.
What's a better purchase:
BTLE end caps for the g3 hub - allowing me to use the ipad mini 2 I have
A new android tablet with ANT+ that I can strap to the bars somehow, because the otg usb c thing I have doesn't connect my phone to the hub.
update the hub firmware