This is great! I've been procrastinating over making one. Now have some polycarbonate tripping me up every time I go outside to remind me. In my mind, you put plants (in containers) in a greenhouse, you put a cold frame over plants (in the ground). But the confusion comes because you can walk inside a greenhouse, you can't walk inside a cold frame, so yours (and mine, yet to be built) are kind of both/ in between.
Knocked up a quick and dirty mini-greenhouse for my chilli plants out of our old windows. Would have liked to have more screws and timber, and some hinges - the list goes on - but it felt good to avoid a trip to the shops. Will give it a lick of paint tomorrow with some random shite that was getting thrown out of a job I was on, think it’s some awful turquoise! Free paint is free paint tho.
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