Managed to find all the bits for these, even the springs.
They’ll get a little clean up.
The wheel I wanted to use is dangerously worn. The brake tracks are like gutters. One side even has half the rim after the track eaten up too. Scary.
I might salvage the hub but the free hub is stuck and I can’t figure out what to hold to top the axle moving to give it a look. It’s a completely round ‘nut’.
Not important however.
These were in the shed, actually in pretty good nick. Guess I only swapped them for the ‘look’
I dropped chainreaction a sneaky £20 for some lifeline rubbers straight away.
Also I added the mech, seatpost, headset, fork and stem.
Won a shifter (at last) for £52
Still well under hundred bar all in. Aiming for £150
Managed to find all the bits for these, even the springs.
They’ll get a little clean up.
The wheel I wanted to use is dangerously worn. The brake tracks are like gutters. One side even has half the rim after the track eaten up too. Scary.
I might salvage the hub but the free hub is stuck and I can’t figure out what to hold to top the axle moving to give it a look. It’s a completely round ‘nut’.
Not important however.
These were in the shed, actually in pretty good nick. Guess I only swapped them for the ‘look’
I dropped chainreaction a sneaky £20 for some lifeline rubbers straight away.
Also I added the mech, seatpost, headset, fork and stem.
Won a shifter (at last) for £52
Still well under hundred bar all in. Aiming for £150