Whitethroats arrived here this morning.
When I first came here they arrived every year on April 22.
Then a few years ago they started to get a bit earlier. This is the second earliest date I’ve ever found them. None at dawn, then one at 07:30 and by the time I walked home there were 5. They’ve possibly flown all the way from Namibia to spend the summer in a patch of scrub on the edge of an English town. Remarkable little birds.
Whitethroats arrived here this morning.
When I first came here they arrived every year on April 22.
Then a few years ago they started to get a bit earlier. This is the second earliest date I’ve ever found them. None at dawn, then one at 07:30 and by the time I walked home there were 5. They’ve possibly flown all the way from Namibia to spend the summer in a patch of scrub on the edge of an English town. Remarkable little birds.