• #8502
I’ve three at the moment. In the early days, with so many options it’s hard to know which to choose. Once you’ve used one for a bit you understand which characteristics are more important to you. Funnily enough I have an M6L, a S6LX and an H6LX. Two have BWR hubs and one SRAM narrow. Both M and H have had handlebar changes/upgrades. All three have been fitted with 46 tooth front clangers. For me, even as a fairly fit cyclist, this is the only usable option with the hilly terrain I find myself in (think, Bath, Yorkshire etc). All three have had saddle and grips updates. My favourite (keep one scenario) is the H6LX with flat, wide titanium bars. This has BWR.
All things considered, how I use the bikes and what I predominantly use them for, the lightweight (X) version is far preferable.
My H6LX:
1 Attachment
• #8503
I got a 2sp, but if i would get another one i would be electic with disc brakes for those lazy days.
• #8504
Yup, M1E, M3L, and M6R-X, have BWR on the M6 and standard in the M3.
They are fun and super convenient, usually use them as loaners when friends are in town.
• #8505
Just wanted to say, I really like my new Brompton built by Ryan at SJS. Been using it to travel in to the hospital. If anyone is considering a new Brompton definitely give SJS a shout! Although I am sure everyone here knows this already.
• #8506
We need pictures!!!
Thank you, solid build, nice to have changed the stem so it’s a little more unique too!
• #8507
Some serious brompton hoarding.
• #8508
I now understand why people grumble about the new Brompton shifters... Took my M6R out for the first time in a couple of months yesterday and had trouble shifting the SA as well as the derailleur, what a load of shit.. What now?!?
The right hand shifter actually felt like it was about to snap off in my hand... Not happy...
• #8509
• #8510
plastic pieces of shit, brompton really has poor design in some aspects
• #8511
You either worship or you hate.
• #8512
So accurate
• #8513
It takes a real design skill to take something bad and then make it worse.
• #8514
I`d like some carbon bars, for my S6L (BE) but would like the weave in the carbon showing, has anyone seen any ?
• #8515
Cheap nasty or actually nice?
• #8516
Any 25.4 bar will work no? Find some vintage monkey lites or summin
• #8517
actually nice and sturdy preferably, not just rolled up kitchen roll hastily coloured in black with felt tip. I could do with them lasting.
• #8518
Is there a neat alternative?
• #8519
Not quite.
Sturmey sls30 and Sunrace m90 friction work but less ergonomic
• #8520
Shirley someone could be making an aftermarket option? Something I'd look at myself if I was more mechanically minded...
• #8521
I have been, just timings with designing other stuff, working on projects, selling/building bikes and the wife’s due baby2 any minute! Plus work has had the busiest week in history...
• #8522
Have you owned a bickerton?
• #8523
Great news, sign me up!!
When you've got a minute, obvs... 🙃
• #8524
Hi Ryan
Is SJS open for mail order on the internet at the moment?
• #8525
Who is Shirley?
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