mostly from lycra chaingangs
Yes, although the Lycra lot do respect the official guidance of cycling alone or with one friend. It´s just that they leave barely any room when overtaking. The trouble with couples on sit up and beg bikes is that they refuse to break their abreast formation for anybody who wishes to overtake them.
(Ik moest onbeschoft opzoeken omdat ik geen Brabander en zelfs geen Vlaming ben...)
Bah, lekker onbeschoft. Je vraagt het toch netjes?
A general problem or one mostly from lycra chaingangs? My parents always complain they wants everyone to move out of the way.
But here in Belfast cycling closeness is actually not the lycra cyclists, they stay on the road by themselves where I live, the recreational ones in parks are getting too close as paths aren't quite wide enough and they don't want to wait.