Why would their be more traffic this week compared to last week?
People stocked up on food prior to the lockdown but are now running low and so doing as big a shop as they can (to minimise number of trips to the shops).
That's one example of why we used the car more times this week (once) than we did last week (none).
I can't get a home delivery slot at all (none of us in the house are vulnerable so we're, quite rightly, not a priority).
I can't buy shopping for a week (or longer) for 3 of us and cart it all home by foot or bike.I could drive less (i.e. not at all) but that would mean extra trips to the shops. Fewer trips to the shop is better than less driving in this respect.
Of course, the more likely answer is that people don't give a shit, have got bored of being at home for a week and a bit and have realised that it's very unlikely they'll get caught out driving unnecessarily and so they choose to do it.
There is some evidence that vehicle movements are increasing. Why would their be more traffic this week compared to last week?