• Here we go, first mini I've painted in 15 years and I was never that good back then.
    Loads of mistakes and lots of extra layers trying to cover them.

  • Is the paint scheme for these figures fixed or can you invent your own? (I expect the former.)

    Looks great to me, but I think one reason why I never got into this (there are others) was because I didn't think I'd get anywhere near as good at painting figures as the examples exhibited in the shops, so I don't know what I'm talking about.

  • You could totally paint one in the rainbow jersey

    Or perhaps climbers’

  • It can be either. The different factions of the same race can have slightly different rules so you generally stick to their colour scheme. However you can just make one up and say it's a sub-faction, the downside is there's no fluff for your army unless you make it up yourself
