Is the trainerroad ramp rest likely to overestimate FTP?
There's a really good TrainerRoad blog post from when they introduced this. I can't find it now. But the tl;dr was that it's kinda the opposite: the suffering, pacing and other issues associated with traditional 8/20 minute tests tend to underestimate your FTP as many (most?) get their pacing wrong or there are other issues.
They tested it with over 7000 people just in beta so I reckon it's probably fairly accurate.
Yeah, I remember reading that determining FTP by 95% of 20 mins should be more like 88-92% and everyone who uses the test is over-estimating. But the test subjects were elite riders who I reckon are a bit better at pacing than us mortals.
So as an unremarkable chopper, I would take the large TR test group of choppers as a comparison everyday.
Is the trainerroad ramp rest likely to overestimate FTP? I have used the two by 8 minute test in the past, which seemed to produce a reasonable estimate for FTP .
I'm completely untrained and did ramp test on Friday, followed by sweet spot 3 x 20 minutes (carillon +2) on Saturday. It was all sub FTP, but I was in the red (95% of max heart rate) by halfway through the second set. Had to drop to 95% of FTP for the third set.