• #60177
Yeah, I generally avoid reading the wiki entries for living people.
• #60178
r.4 saying he's black belt in karate, once he's got the top job boris will have a fight to take it back from him, bojo's queensbury rules won't have an earthly
• #60179
Picture of him on google images looking mad hench. I think he’s a juicer
• #60180
Can any one post a decent link or two to give me an idea of this Raab chap? Never got a clear impression of what kind of person he is.
The sense of frustration he has that he can't just tell this person to 'Shut up you pathetic little pleb' is palpable
• #60181
Unlike Michael Gove, Dominic Raab does not look comfortable in his personality and the avatar he uses doesn't seem to match.
I mean, you can trust Gove to absolutely be untrustworthy and believe in nothing but whatever it is he's defending at the time. Raab looks like he's going to cry. -
• #60182
Very good link.
So my immediate impression is a fiscal conservative at heart, the rest of his policies are just humming along to whichever knee jerk right wing cause can keep him in power. No need to really read the paperwork, no real passion or independent thought on the matter.The fiscal conservative, upper class thing seems to run deep with him though. The sense that the people currently enjoying affluent lives are the only ones worth investing in, as proven by their success. The rest are lost causes that need to be kept in check less they drain our resources even further.
Growth opportunities exist, but only where we cut red tape for existing businesses. Let's not be childish and invest tax money in people/infrastructure/research etc.
• #60183
Raab was Brexit Secretary under May for a while. He organised a deal, said it was great, then quit over bad it was when people came to vote on it.
• #60184
Ah. A man of principle.
• #60185
There’s the grey welfare comment about pensions that is interesting- half the white working class demographic is pension age in the UK, so targeting pensions as scrounging would be potentially challenging with regards to election results.
• #60186
Could work if you remain nebulous about it;
There is another kind of pensioner, not you, who is draining the purse. You know which kind. Just vote for me and let me deal with it. I'll make sure to look after your interests, really, you've got no reason to worry about this. -
• #60187
Whilst Brexit secretary also gave a speech
"We are, and I hadn't quite understood the full extent of this, but if you look at the UK and if you look at how we trade in goods, we are particularly reliant on the Dover-Calais crossing."
• #60188
• #60189
“researchers from OnlineCasino dot ca”
• #60190
Wouldn't the tee-shirt say "Present Gamer"?
• #60191
What this tells me is that playing computer games will halt the aging process as I already look like that.
• #60192
What the absolute fuck?
• #60193
Love it
• #60194
Bit harsh, its not showing the Olympic-ly buff fingers and thumbs
• #60195
Notice the lack of glasses due to years of training his eyesight.
Also when did they turn on my webcam?
• #60196
what is reassuring is that my stomach is going to go bald faster than what remains on my scalp
• #60197
Nice cheekbones though
• #60198
This is the "gollum" theory of evolution isn't it?
• #60199
Why would an online casino mock its users like that? Or are online gamblers more like this:
• #60200
I’ve just skimmed read his Wikipedia entry and from his education and early career he must be way smarter than he comes across