Main issue is the bruising about 5 inches down from my wrist when snatching and jerking (lol). The headband wrapped around my forearm helped, but it’s still a bit tender. Still swings will keep me busy for a bit. Not tried and Turkish getups yet!
Here are my attempts on day 1, note the support from the neighbours kids on the C&J!
2 Attachments
28kg is a fair weight to be starting out with if you've never trained with kettle bells before, maybe stick to two handed exercises for a bit to get used to the weight of the bell if that's all you've got, overhead swings will give you a bit of practice with the bell above your head.
With the cleans / snatch from the floor you're leaning over to the side quite a bit to balance the bell which will put strain on your lower back, if it's pulling you to the side it's probably making you arch your spine, try and consciously pull your tailbone forward & tense your core to help support you, also try doing these from a swing instead of the ground to give you a bit of momentum into the movement & keep your elbow in contact with your side during the clean so you can't swing too far out in front.
28kg is a good weight for doing rounds of swing / clean / press (or push-press) - do 5 / 10 on each side & see how you get on, snatching with a 28 for starters will put strain on your lower back unless your technique is spot on, even try doing the jerk from a rack position instead - then you'll be dipping under the bell as your arm extends instead of pushing up through it.
I'd love to have a kettle bell at home just now - these Burpees are going to get old quite quickly I think
28kg is a bit much to start with. You basically want to start around 16kg (depending on your precious lifting experience) and get the technique down. Then once you've 'mastered' the weight you move up to the next bell and reduce reps, then build up. Rinse and repeat.
28kg might be fine if you're very strong but I wouldn't want to learn snatches with a bell that heavy.
I would be a bit concerned with beginners technique learning the movements with that weight leading to an injury.