So this next one has this big 42mm dt which is slightly an issue because it is wider than a standard bb shell. I wasn't sure what to do at first, someone on reddit suggested a good idea of squidging the end using a 3d printed block/squidger. He linked his insta and he does cool stuff, worth the follow.
so i printed this block that has a 42mm circle at one end and an appropriately shaped ellipse on the other, then put it in the vise and squidged it. It worked well, i mitred the tube and all fit up really nice. I find the big tubes annoying to mitre by hand, but it all was going fine until i dropped the tube on my bench :(.
Ended up getting off kind of lucky, no dents, only a tiny nick/scrape. It really pissed me could i be so stupid etc. Anyways I ended up just brazing a little steel heart over it. I'm sure the nick doesn't affect anything structurally, I reckon it was barely 0.15mm deep.
The heart covers it aesthetically, tho i'm not sure the nick would show after paint anyway, and also gives it a bit of reinforcement which is good too, not that its necessary.
So this next one has this big 42mm dt which is slightly an issue because it is wider than a standard bb shell. I wasn't sure what to do at first, someone on reddit suggested a good idea of squidging the end using a 3d printed block/squidger. He linked his insta and he does cool stuff, worth the follow.
so i printed this block that has a 42mm circle at one end and an appropriately shaped ellipse on the other, then put it in the vise and squidged it. It worked well, i mitred the tube and all fit up really nice. I find the big tubes annoying to mitre by hand, but it all was going fine until i dropped the tube on my bench :(.
Ended up getting off kind of lucky, no dents, only a tiny nick/scrape. It really pissed me could i be so stupid etc. Anyways I ended up just brazing a little steel heart over it. I'm sure the nick doesn't affect anything structurally, I reckon it was barely 0.15mm deep.
The heart covers it aesthetically, tho i'm not sure the nick would show after paint anyway, and also gives it a bit of reinforcement which is good too, not that its necessary.