• #2
Dibs for a friend. Will report back asap.
Also, sorry to hear about neighbour, any chance you can change/return them? -
• #3
2nd dibs
• #4
He got there first unfortunately!
Let me know about your friend - will pass dibs on to @user61836 if I don't hear back from you tonight, as am keen to shift it before the postal system goes even more tits up
• #5
Dibs confirmed, will PM
Hi there,
Picked this turbo off ebay last week as an isolation treat for myself. Unfortunately my downstairs neighbour is less appreciative of it, so it has to go!
Looking to recoup what I paid - £165. Can do contactless collection from SE21, or can post for approx £15.
Will chuck in ANT sensor, USB extension and camping mat I purchased too.
See here for original listing: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bkool-Pro-Smart-ANT-Turbo-Trainer/223414862830?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649