Jeff's thinking with the loop bars forward sweeping crossbar was so that you wouldn't need to change the stem length to have the same 'reach', compared to the original straight crossbar of the h bar, which needed a longer stem.
I'm hoping the mini Jones will be the same as my carbon loop bars, which don't feel cramped either.
They're only 600mm wide at the tips, so my hands should be weighted in a similar position to the flat bars I have now, just with my elbows more tucked in.
I won't know for definite until they arrive though (gulp).
Also the bag I made is a parallelogram shape, so it angles forwards away from the bars, so I don't have too much interference with the controls. The different brake lever position on Jones should give even more clearance.
This is all theoretical at the moment though. 😜
I know I'm glad I didn't go with a medium like I was originally considering.
Even the large has a shorter top tube (56) than my track bike...and the seat tube is about 57.5 C to T.
I have a 110 stem on there and I think a 120 would feel closer to my normal reach, especially as the bars are higher on the omnom.