This thread has slowed in the last few days, must be a good sign of sorts.
Sadly one cannot go back and compile daily post numbers of this thread. If one could it would, I suspect, show a Bell curve which has peaked. I wonder whether the peak reflects the growth of other threads on this subject since this was made a main page forum of its own or general ennui and an over-abundance of other material on the subject. I have noticed that, over the past few weeks, this thread has gone from being one of the best and most comprehensive locations of information to being a bit of a trolling battle ground.
Sadly one cannot go back and compile daily post numbers of this thread
Well I did, but haven't kept it going.
It's on my list to automate.
This thread has slowed in the last few days, must be a good sign of sorts. Yesterday the US were starting to row back from the idea of reopening areas by Easter. This seemed positive, sounds like more will be decided on Monday. They don't appear to have learned from the UK news yesterday, shit-ton of key people still hanging around the lectern together in close proximity. VP and President.