The group rides around here have stopped almost entirely but there are still a lot of riders out, just mostly solo or what I guess is household groups. Government advice is that this is all fine as is going for a walk but the driving somewhere to walk/ride is a grey area they're avoiding mentioning but in honesty, given how empty the roads are and how much green space we have, you're probably more at risk catching and spreading the virus in your supermarket visits, 2m spacing or not.
Not medical science, but:
With respect to driving:
I'd suspect, but I don't know for sure- it is less about social distancing, and more about keeping the roads as clear from traffic as is possible to allow emergency vehicle access- which was evidently not the case on my ride yesterday. Still enough traffic to hold up an ambulance, including a ZipCar driver driving in front of one in full 'get the fuck out the way' siren mode.
With respect to cycling- I truly can't see the damage if you go out within your limits, don't stop to chat to mates, don't use it as an excuse to see your mates, and leave from your door and come back to it.
In terms of urban exercising- it is one of the most effective ways of maintaining social distance and exercising outdoors- Running inevitably leads to closer passing, and if you're lucky enough to be able to MTB from your door, magic.
The same does not apply for groups in Regents/Richmond/ wherever. But the large groups (and some smaller) have always been ass-hats IMHO, viral spread not-withstanding.