In the garden the other day making it slightly less "derelique" got talking to the guy next door over the fence & my daughter (3) runs over asking if she can pat his chickens - he says she can have a couple of them if her dad gets her a hut to keep them in...
So, after raking the loft for bits of timber & old off-cuts of floorboards I reckon there's enough to make a passable A-frame chicken coop - need to get cracking this weekend before she forgets about it & my wife puts the kibosh on the idea, chooks ahoy!
In the garden the other day making it slightly less "derelique" got talking to the guy next door over the fence & my daughter (3) runs over asking if she can pat his chickens - he says she can have a couple of them if her dad gets her a hut to keep them in...
So, after raking the loft for bits of timber & old off-cuts of floorboards I reckon there's enough to make a passable A-frame chicken coop - need to get cracking this weekend before she forgets about it & my wife puts the kibosh on the idea, chooks ahoy!