If you literally pay hundreds of thousands in tax, your total gross household income must be >£400k so at least £17k/mo (net)? You've 3 months' worth of expenses set aside in cash. Would £5k/mo (gross) really make that much of a difference to your situation? Your expenses/spending must be astronomical, or what did you do with your income?
It is a little strange that they decided to just cap the grant to employees but completely cut it off to the self-employed. Seems like a small pool of people so a relatively small additional cost to government. Not that politics is at the forefront of anyone's mind, but it's especially strange as self-employed high earners are probably core Tory demographic.
I would actually benefit from help
Yeah you would benefit. You don't need it. Danger is if you got it, someone who needs it does not get it.
That doesn't excuse the fact that there will be some highly paid furloughed workers who do not need it but will receive it - the furloughing plan strikes me as surprisingly generous. I think the problem is that it has set a false expectation here.
Yeah you are right. It won’t be back by Sept. it might not come back at all.
Running out of money? Sell something. Cut outgoings further. You’ve had the good times, these are the bad.