Couple of years ago I was training for a while and after retested increase got my FTP near to 4w/kg.
Which was great, but for me it meant I could only just complete the sweetspot workouts. Lost my motivation for training at that point. Should have just dropped the ftp back to where it was.
Anyway, guessing I over test or something.
Seems as distant as the dark side of the moon today, but when I was doing 2 hours of zone 2 (mainly around Regents) four days of the week, then two turbo sessions (one 2x20, one punchy intervals) per week I was at 4w/kg, and my record (although this really hurt) was 90% of FTP for 4.5 hours.
Seems as distant as the dark side of the moon today, but when I was doing 2 hours of zone 2 (mainly around Regents) four days of the week, then two turbo sessions (one 2x20, one punchy intervals) per week I was at 4w/kg, and my record (although this really hurt) was 90% of FTP for 4.5 hours.