Both deaths and reported cases, or just reported cases? Deaths seem likely to be a more accurate measure, but again relies on testing.
Not all countries test all casues of death (Germany, for instance - which may be one of the multiple reasons it's behind the curve).
Unlike in Italy, there is currently no widespread postmortem testing
for the novel coronavirus in Germany. The RKI says those who were not
tested for Covid-19 in their lifetime but are suspected to have been
infected with the virus “can” be tested after death, but in Germany’s
decentralised health system this is not yet a routine practice.https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/22/germany-low-coronavirus-mortality-rate-puzzles-experts
Even deaths is ‘hard’ - attribution in at least some cases will be unclear. But when everyone is talking about C19 you aren’t going to get a medal for marking it up as ‘it’s complicated’
Conversely, Japan for example could be lying about what is killing their 80 year olds - many of which will die this year, as in any year.
Or they could have their shit sorted.
Who knows?
The main problem with the FT chart is not the chart design - it’s the very good chance that the underlying data is crazy fuzzy