Like mentioned before, afaik Sweden has cut down on testing as they consider the data from it to be of low value.
Is there an actual reasoning to this? I mean, I tend to be 'data driven' anyway, so I'd always rather know than not know, but how is it a bad thing to find the positive cases out there?
Unless they've basically resigned to the fact it'll spread through the whole population anyway, and just hope that for the reasons you mentioned it'll be slow enough to be fine overall... herd immunity style.
Don't know. It's just my take on things from what I've gathered in the news
Think you're right in that they're working on the assumption that we'll all get it, it's just a matter of slowing down the spread enough so the curve is more of a hill rather than a spike
I read yesterday that they're about to take a random sample from the population to see how far along on the curve we are.
Also saw some data modelled charts yesterday where they've gone through Sweden area for area and based on current data calculated how hard the hospitals will be hit. According to their calculations it should be manageable. But how they know that without large scale testing I don't know
Like mentioned before, afaik Sweden has cut down on testing as they consider the data from it to be of low value. Reading between the lines in the press we've also had a spike in cases from a few Stockholm suburbs with a large Somali population where the news hasn't come through properly due to language barriers.
So if we're only measuring the outbreak from hospital cases we've had a spike from an isolated area that doesn't match the rest of the population, hence why the curve has slowed down a bit.
I'd imagine our curve could be a bit flatter as well as we're a sparsely populated country and fairly anti-social even in the best of times. Compare this to Italy where you have a coffee at a bar on your way to work every morning and also gather several generations on a weekly basis. Good traits normally, not so much now.
Obligatory not that this ^ is just my personal take on it, it's not properly researched etc etc