Yes, I'm comparing two different things, that's how comparisons usually work. Makes it absolutely no less valid though. Fact is, you are very very unlikely to either get or spread the virus on your cycle around Richmond Park or wherever, yes, even if you do 8 laps. And any discussion about how likely it is is completely moot in the face of how the situation looks even just in the average supermarket.
(Also woke up shortly after 6, though without kids. If I'm getting more and more aggressive on this forum, it's because this whole 'lockdown' thing is getting to me and I haven't even had to stop going for my runs yet.)
No it's not ridiculous.
You're comparing two different things. You're comparing awful companies forcing people to work and people on here arguing about what is right, practical, and ultimately morally in line with the situation around exercise. If you wanted a comparison, this is comparable to people picking up 3 extra tins of beans because they can rather than they need them.
/Histrionic over the top comparison
(Im ill and my kids woke up at 6 banging and shouting and tbh why can't they just be fucking silent?)