Decided to use some of the down time to start building the new play area in the back garden, first step is to fence all around it, decided banging in 20 posts by hand was too much like hard work, so dragged the post banger out of the back of the shed.
Yep, hydraulics drag a 200kg weight up to 8 foot and drop it at speed, highly dangerous, this precise machine has already claimed one finger when a friend left his hand on top of a post and someone else released it.
Yep this one is an old one, so it has two screw link arms to adjust both planes
Decided to use some of the down time to start building the new play area in the back garden, first step is to fence all around it, decided banging in 20 posts by hand was too much like hard work, so dragged the post banger out of the back of the shed.