I'm Italy based and therefore not allowed to cycle outside for the last two and a half weeks.
I do have a basic turbo which I'm using every day since the lockdown. Having a powermeter allowed me to get some structure into my training. My motivation is simply some gran fondos I've got planned for later in the year. Assuming by then we'll be out of this situation, if not...too bad but it helped me in this period.
I did order a Kickr to get on the interactive training platform which is due to arrive this Thursday. Quite looking forward to that.
If you currently have a trainer or still can get one, I'd recommend that over going outside for a ride. There's always more risk of getting hurt on the road than on the trainer. Is it boring as f? Yes it is. But it's a small sacrifice to make.
I've put my trainer in my garden, at least I don't have to miss out on the sunshine.
I'm Italy based and therefore not allowed to cycle outside for the last two and a half weeks.
I do have a basic turbo which I'm using every day since the lockdown. Having a powermeter allowed me to get some structure into my training. My motivation is simply some gran fondos I've got planned for later in the year. Assuming by then we'll be out of this situation, if not...too bad but it helped me in this period.
I did order a Kickr to get on the interactive training platform which is due to arrive this Thursday. Quite looking forward to that.
If you currently have a trainer or still can get one, I'd recommend that over going outside for a ride. There's always more risk of getting hurt on the road than on the trainer. Is it boring as f? Yes it is. But it's a small sacrifice to make.
I've put my trainer in my garden, at least I don't have to miss out on the sunshine.