Low skilled generally means easy to train somebody to do the job. The necessity of someone doing the job has never really come into it, just the necessity of it being that person doing the job. So on a points style immigration system you don’t let low skilled in while you have unemployed who could be cajoled into training to stack a supermarket shelf, mop a floor or pick orders in a warehouse. You focus your points on the skilled/harder to train quickly demand in your workforce.
Low skilled generally means easy to train somebody to do the job. The necessity of someone doing the job has never really come into it, just the necessity of it being that person doing the job. So on a points style immigration system you don’t let low skilled in while you have unemployed who could be cajoled into training to stack a supermarket shelf, mop a floor or pick orders in a warehouse. You focus your points on the skilled/harder to train quickly demand in your workforce.