what's his chart for influenza deaths/cases so that we have a comparison?
Oh wait, there isn't one because people are ignoring the already existing massive numbers of influenza that the northern hemisphere suffers from every year during the 'winter' period, you understand Excess Winter Mortality right?
5000 china deaths is a drop in the ocean of their influenza deaths.
Early testing simply produces more +ve results and then people add 2+2 and get 5, the video on YT i've linked to explains why.
if testing and isolation was that important why is that not already a thing for influenza which kills over a million every year, that killed 32,500 in England and Wales last year alone?
We should isolate forever if we are to believe this is such a big threat given flu will still kill more and infect more because it doesn't get reported as much and people are less stringent in their basic personal hygiene.
And as we know, Corona Viruses exist every year and kill people every year already and have done for over half a century.
Yeah that's all fine, but if your hospital has run out of ventilators and you can't bury your dead in good time with proper ceremony, what is actually going on?
Excess Winter Mortality doesn't usually result in that.
what's his chart for influenza deaths/cases so that we have a comparison?
Oh wait, there isn't one because people are ignoring the already existing massive numbers of influenza that the northern hemisphere suffers from every year during the 'winter' period, you understand Excess Winter Mortality right?
5000 china deaths is a drop in the ocean of their influenza deaths.
Early testing simply produces more +ve results and then people add 2+2 and get 5, the video on YT i've linked to explains why.
if testing and isolation was that important why is that not already a thing for influenza which kills over a million every year, that killed 32,500 in England and Wales last year alone?
We should isolate forever if we are to believe this is such a big threat given flu will still kill more and infect more because it doesn't get reported as much and people are less stringent in their basic personal hygiene.
And as we know, Corona Viruses exist every year and kill people every year already and have done for over half a century.