The end of Capitalism?
I don't see it coming soon. The only immediate action from any of the three Sunak Budgets was to reduce Bank interest rate to make it even cheaper for the backers of the Tory party to bet against the real/tangible economy.
The reduction in GDP, and its slow rebound, (hopefully the population will reluctant to take on more borrowing to fund daily spending), might mean another measure has to be adopted to show the post-COViD-19 economy is reviving,
but until a well known company goes completely bankrupt, (Intu?),
this over-borrowed, high rent economy can just cruise on based upon cheap commercial credit.
The end of Capitalism?
I don't see it coming soon. The only immediate action from any of the three Sunak Budgets was to reduce Bank interest rate to make it even cheaper for the backers of the Tory party to bet against the real/tangible economy.
The reduction in GDP, and its slow rebound, (hopefully the population will reluctant to take on more borrowing to fund daily spending), might mean another measure has to be adopted to show the post-COViD-19 economy is reviving,
but until a well known company goes completely bankrupt, (Intu?),
this over-borrowed, high rent economy can just cruise on based upon cheap commercial credit.