I'm in Victoria mainly (Melbourne), but we bought a place in Tasmania year before last so I've been splitting time between the two. Missed the boat on getting down there for isolation purposes. Melbournians are taking what appears to be zero action on staying home where possible, basically just because people haven't told them explicitly to do so. We're all fucked.
Very similar to here. Government says don't go out so everyone goes to Richmond Park. :S
US mobilising military. Oz don't have much chance with that, country is just too big.
People will get it when their mates are struggling to breathe and fighting for respirators...
One of the guys I work with just flew back to Melb from here and he's using a basket on a rope to get supplies from his parents during his 14 day iso so not everyone is taking the piss, but we probably saw more of the Italy impact so it's maybe a bit more real for us whereas Oz never gets any of this stuff. It's all too far away to be a problem.
I've been in London for 15 or so years! I'm a Vic boy though.
My family is mostly Vic and WA now. Was chatting to my bro this morning which is where I heard about those border closures. Where are you at?
Or did you mean mental state in which case, nominally disheveled.