Ah nice! That's a good idea. I did a half at the start of feb, not an offical one - cross country on the north downs in the worst shoe sucking bogs i've ever seen. BRUTAL! Trying to get back up to the distance having been rubbish for most of feb/mar, but damn it's far. I'm back down to 10kms and kind of suffering.
I've never done a training plan, I just run a lot when I have the time. Which means I probably over train - anyone got any experience with this? Wondering if I might be better to have proper rest days...
Ah nice! That's a good idea. I did a half at the start of feb, not an offical one - cross country on the north downs in the worst shoe sucking bogs i've ever seen. BRUTAL! Trying to get back up to the distance having been rubbish for most of feb/mar, but damn it's far. I'm back down to 10kms and kind of suffering.
I've never done a training plan, I just run a lot when I have the time. Which means I probably over train - anyone got any experience with this? Wondering if I might be better to have proper rest days...
ALSO if anyone is on Strava I could do with some inspiration. #follow4follow lol