• #27
Please let me know if you think I can improve this guidance.
Actually taking the time to ask each rider whether they have (or have had) a fever or cough or if any of their cohabitants are ill or self-isolating.
I know it sounds obvious. But I’m already finding the answer I get from volunteers is not always what you’d expect.
• #28
Very helpful.
• #29
@skydancer could be an opportunity to team up with Olio (reducing food waste charity) to collect food from their partners. I know someone who works there. Will look into it and if any luck I'll put you in touch.
• #30
That would be amazing.
Where are they based? -
• #31
Laurence Smith has posted to a local group (Brocket & Ladywell) offering courier shop and drop-off service for elderly/vulnerable and Lewisham NHS workers. Don't know what company it is but could find out. They are looking to match individual couriers with NHS workers to help with weekly shop.
• #32
Thanks for input. Here is what we've come up with so far, based on posts here and other sources esp the Mutual Aid Site for Hammersmith and Fulham.
If you have further suggestions please advise. (Also if you are planning a similar programme feel free to use this)
COVID-19 Delivery: Guidance for Cycle Pilots
Please read this guidance carefullyCOVID-19 is highly contagious, not everyone will exhibit symptoms whilst they are contagious. As we are supporting people who are most vulnerable to the effects of the virus, it's important to take steps to ensure their safety, as well as your own. For this reason, we ask everyone to act as though they are a potential carrier of the virus and take all precautions necessary.
If you have, or have had, a fever or cough, have been close to someone with these symptoms, or if any of your cohabitants are ill or self-isolating you will not be able to deliver for the time being. Please let control know.
Bikeworks will give you PPE (Mask, Latex gloves and antiviral alcohol sanitiser)
Follow the government social distancing guidelines
Avoid all physical contact (keeping a minimum distance of 2m, or around 3 steps, from others)
Avoid all gatherings of any size
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds regularly
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing. Bin it. If there is no tissue, cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm. Always wash hands after this.DATA PROTECTION
Never share personal information about an individual without their explicit consent.
Don’t discuss any details that may identify people you deliver to with anyone unless officially authorisedPREPARING TO DELIVER
Cycle to your shift. Do not travel on public transport
Sterilise your hands with the Antiviral sanitiser at the start of the shift.
Wear latex gloves and a mask. Clean the gloves regularly with Sanitiser. Especially before and after each delivery. If you change gloves, bin the old ones
Clean all parts of the cycle that you or anyone else has been in contact with at the start of your shift then regularly throughout your shiftDELIVERING FOOD/SUPPLIES
Check the safety of the products when you pick them up. Check any packaging is sealed and the temperature of product on delivery e.g. If it’s meant to be frozen, is it still frozen?
Don’t go into any houses.
Leave food / goods outside the front door then step away.
Communicate to the person in isolation that you have delivered via message or phone call.
Wait (from a distance) until that person has picked it up before you leave.
Recommend that recipients wash shopping wherever possible and wash their hands after touching it.
Remember to wash hands before and after deliveries. Where possible wash for 20 seconds with soap and water. When out and about keep a bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser to hand.
Take care when handling any items which may be given to people who may have compromised immune systems. The virus can live on inanimate surfaces for up to 72 hours!
Disinfect any surface that will be touched by the person you are delivering to.DELIVERING PRESCRIPTIONS & MEDICATIONS:
Bikeworks is contacting local Pharmacies and working with other organisations to support delivery of medical supplies. Pharmacies do provide these services though they may be overstretched.Follow the guidance above for delivering food and supplies
Communicate clearly with the Pharmacy and the person you are delivering to let them know when you’re delivering.
Confirm with the Pharmacy that the medicine has been delivered.
Do not advise on doses, preparation or administration of all medication. This should only be done by the prescriber.USEFUL RESOURCES:
• #33
Hi hi,
Here's the most recent advice/guidance from Olio.
Things have changed a fair bit there of late as many of their commercial clients (companies with surplus food) are closed up or working to different models now.
If it's still helpful then great.
Best of luck and let me know if I can be of any help. If it works out then I may be able to help promote through work channels. You and Jim both have my number if it all works out.
JW -
• #34
Will follow this up J. And send your best to Jim. -
• #35
When I am asking for money, I have no shame!!! Please donate and share!
• #36
Good point.
What's the consensus about masks
I understood that they are of limited value though may remind people not to touch their face.
Another issue is that benefit if any is short term.
And that the more people who source masks leaves fewer for health and medical people