Down here in Adelaide it has had a noticeable impact. Many people keep their distance. Shops, restaurants etc all very empty. Not totally, but very.
The thing here is that schools are still open. If my daughter goes to school with a bunch of other kids, it doesn't make much sense to not also let them mix if they live three houses down etc.
So by the same logic we also let her attend ballet class today. All of the kids there go to the same school anyways. They got asked to disinfect hands and parents were asked to only drop off and collect them, otherwise stay outside. People were sitting far apart.
No one appears to be paying any attention to the current situation here in Oz, I just nipped out to catch the shop while it was empty (closed early!) and there were lots of people eating out enjoying themselves... My neighbour's son is having a party, business as usual...
These guys aren't gonna know what's hit them in a couple of weeks time...
Meanwhile in Spain, my folks have battened down the hatches and aren't going fucking anywhere!! My sis in London is doing much the same...