I was told not to use that one unless I was having difficulty breathing ‘at rest’ which I don’t.
I only use my blue one basically when riding with mates who go fast.
I consider my exercise induced asthma or whatever it is to be very mild and (so far at least) inconsequential, especially compared to mrs m_v who takes a preventer daily and her blue one several times throughout the day.
I’m just starting to get concerned that this is not the time to be so blasé about it.
A few weeks before all this kicked off I was thinking about going to get checked out. I'd had a cold but my breathing on the turbo is still hindered and I wondered if I was in any worse state than previous. I probably still have those inhalers from 2015? Do they go off? Maybe I should see if it makes a diff.
But the brown one is a "preventer" - you're meant to use that one regularly?
The blue one is for if you've got symptoms. Unless it's a different brown one? Or maybe I got them arse about?