• #1652
Just got my usual Sainsburys order, half the stuff on it was not delivered due to stock shortages, including all of the bread flour.
I hope all the stockpiling chumps round my way produce some world-class baked goods whilst self-isolating.
• #1653
Im pretty sure most of it will just sit around until it goes off
• #1654
I'm baking until the flour runs out. WFH means I can do a loaf every day.
(The darker one is yesterday's when I forgot to turn the oven down halfway)
2 Attachments
• #1655
Has anyone got a good and easy rye and yeast bread recipe? I'm going to run out of strong white but have quite a bit of rye
• #1656
Thought 'fuck it, as supermarkets appear to be out, I'll order a big bag of flour and some other things I've been meaning to get from Bakery Bits', and they've got a notice on their front page that due to overwhelming demand they're not taking orders at the moment. I guess flour doesn't keep well enough that you want to have a warehouse-full, but this is bananas...
• #1657
Is basically my only attempt. It was ok.
Would like to try this:
http://www.swedishfood.com/swedish-food-bread-recipes/461-rye-sourdough-simple -
• #1658
I don't expect to see my 16kg sack for a fortnight
• #1659
Don't just ignore it, see a doctor about it. 16kg is abnormal.
• #1660
100% rye is too acidic for normal yeast - the acidity will kill the yeast, which is why proper 100% rye recipes are sourdoughs.
• #1661
I mean, I imagine demand has suddenly gone through the roof. Better they're honest than leave loads of people disappointed that their order wasn't fulfilled.
Bakery Bits isn't amazon, and I imagine their inventory isn't anywhere near sophisticated enough to handle such a huge increase in load. I could also see it being hard to confirm with suppliers when restocks will be available. -
• #1662
Oh, sure; in true hipster fashion I'm just annoyed that the niche little supplier I've used on and off for a decade or so is now far too popular...
• #1663
Absolutely. Panic buying is just a ballache for all involved.
• #1664
Shipton Mill are also out of everything, I can't imagine they have the capacity or grain supplies to suddenly increase their output.
• #1665
Get a sourdough starter going; you'll never look back!
• #1666
I saw the flour delivery from Shipton arrive at the local bakery near my mum and dads. There must have been 40+ 25kg bags sitting on the street waiting to be carried in. I
have no idea how long that will last them, but interesting to the lay person how much they recieve per delivery. -
• #1667
So it's the bakeries stockpiling flour! Bastards!
• #1668
Actually that's a good point - there's a local artisanal baker who bakes once a week and sells his wares from a stall outside his house. Might see if he'll sell me a couple of kilos.
• #1669
Check out Ferg’s (of ex-Brick House Bread) 7 day beginners guide to sourdough. I’m following it and will report back with results!
• #1670
BreadAhead bakery does insta classes too:
https://instagram.com/breadaheadbakery?igshid=28bgpt6ok9j8 -
• #1671
How do I feed it if I have no flour though?
• #1672
Well you won't be baking much without anyway.
• #1673
I've frozen my starter before for 4 weeks when on holiday and it came back nicely. If there's still no flour to be had we're fucked anyway.
• #1674
Sorry- let me rephrase- given the choice of feeding a starter or using the flour to bake bread- given a limited supply, I'm just going to bake.
May try the rye levain as always have a bag knocking about after discovering how great chocolate rye cookies are. -
• #1675
What is the best non-sourdough recipe until starter is ready? I have a banneton, cast-iron pot, white/wholewheat/rye flour and yeast.
This is a concern!