• Sorry - the tone of frustration was directed at the situation not at you. Thank you for the link.

  • Not trying to beat you over the head with this, just thought you (and others) might find it interesting - just on the Guardian ticker:

    As many as 25,000 people within NHS hospitals will be tested for
    coronavirus every day as part of a major national effort to boost
    testing capacity, the government has confirmed today.

    With a focus on ensuring the highest priority cases are tested first,
    officials are working to rapidly increase the number of tests that can
    be conducted by Public Health England and the NHS in laboratories,
    with the expected surge in capacity ready within just four weeks ...

    The UK government has already completed over 50,000 tests. It is
    anticipated that, with increased capacity to 25,000 daily, testing
    levels in the UK could soon exceed that in China.

    Last week, the NHS and PHE increased testing to 5,000 a day and that
    number continues to increase. By next week it is hoped we will
    increase testing to 10,000 per day.


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