It's only US journos who've been kicked out (for now), in addition to the ones kicked out a few weeks ago for the "sick man of Asia" article.
I'd love, really love, to have faith in the WHO but it's hard when they're repeating stats from the Chinese govt, which are clearly not true.
Car factories... A big problem is that several major auto companies have factories in Wuhan. I guess the ones in other provinces can open. The china hq of an international auto company here in Shanghai is aiming for 60% normal next week.
Edit to add: China really really really needs the auto industry to pick up as soon as humanly possible, last year some of the top 10 companies had things like -50% y-o-y growth.
If that´s true then we really are in the poo, for one´d be hard pressed to find a single top microbiologist who isn´t involved with the body in one way or another.
Here for example we have Leen Vervaeke, de Volkskrant´s China correspondent, reporting on car makers restarting factories in China:
At the end of the article she quotes Ian Lipkin, he of Contagion fame but also head of a WHO infectious disease centre with an impossibly long name.
Anyway, at least reporters from small countries still have their press cards, right?