Serious oven spring
The “Turkish loaf” was part of the learning process and developing technique. To be fair I have had two awesome bakers/chefs teach me so have avoided many mistakes by being taught decent technique.
However my forays into higher hydration had been less successful until now. What’s even better is the realisation that it wasn’t the Shipton Mill flour at fault.
Another thing I had been doing was using water at around 35C but I think this was also causing some over proving. So today’s loaves were made with rtp water yesterday, when i shaped for the bulk prove they were a little on the small side so instead of a retarded fridge prove they were left in the larder/pantry for an ambient prove overnight. This enabled the dough to double in volume overnight.
First of the disaster loaves through the oven. Was an overnight dough made on Sunday to bake yesterday that didn’t come up at all. Added some more yeast yesterday and still nothing. Discarded the rest of that yeast and tried some different packets I had, and incorporated some more white flour, salt and water to strengthen the dough as it was just going sloppy. Dough came together nicely, started to come up and was basically ready to shape just as I was going to bed so bunged it in the fridge, shaped first thing today and waited for it to proof a bit.
Not as much volume as I’d like, but glad it wasn’t a write off. Half decent ear too. I never work the ovens so my scoring game is amateur at best!
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